Noni Capsule

Noni Capsule

उत्पाद विवरण:

  • प्रॉपर्टीज़ पर्सनल केयर प्रोडक्ट्स
  • के लिए सुझाया गया सभी महिलाएं पुरुष बच्चे
  • साइज 60 कैप्सूल
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नोनी कैप्सूल मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 48
  • टुकड़ा/टुकड़े

नोनी कैप्सूल उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • सभी महिलाएं पुरुष बच्चे
  • सफ़ेद और बहुरंगा
  • 60 कैप्सूल
  • पर्सनल केयर प्रोडक्ट्स

नोनी कैप्सूल व्यापार सूचना

  • चेक
  • 5000 प्रति दिन
  • 5 दिन
  • Yes
  • नमूना लागत, शिपिंग और करों का भुगतान खरीदार द्वारा किया जाना है
  • मास्टर बॉक्स पैकिंग
  • ऑल इंडिया

उत्पाद विवरण

Noni Capsule

Ifyou're interested in herbal medicine, you may have heard of noni, the fruit ofa Polynesian plant that's commonly called the Indian mulberry or lada plant,Morindacitrifolia. The fleshy, yellowish fruit has been part of traditionalmedicine for centuries, recommended by practitioners for many differentailments. Consumed as fresh or fermented juice in some parts of the world, nonifruit extract is also available as a supplement in capsules. Modern research suggeststhat noni capsules may have significant benefits, helping keep you healthy anddisease-free.

Anti-Cancer Benefits

Compounds in noni supplementsmay have significant anti-cancer properties, according to research summarizedby experts at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, who suggest that nonimight slow growth of cancerous tumors. For example, a laboratory studypublished in 2013 in the "Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention"found that noni extract was nearly as effective as a chemotherapy drug inkilling cultured cervical cancer cells. The authors concluded that noni inducescancer cells to die through an irreversible process called apoptosis. Otherlaboratory studies summarized by the cancer center experts support noni'sability to prevent or slow growth of cancer cells, but this possible benefitstill needs confirmation in clinical trials with human subjects

Other Benefits

Noni supplements may alsohelp boost your immune system and increase your resistance to pathogens.Research published in the July 2010 issue of "Pharmaceutical Biology"found that noni extract increases growth of different types of immune cells,including B and T lymphocytes, by up to about 44 percent in cultured cells andin laboratory animals. Noni compounds might also improve blood cholesterollevels and cardiovascular health, according to current research. In oneclinical study involving 132 adult smokers, published in "Scientific WorldJournal" in 2012, subjects who consumed noni juice for one month had lowerlevels of cholesterol, unhealthy triglycerides and other cardiovascular riskmarkers compared to a placebo group.

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स्वास्थ्य देखभाल उत्पादों अन्य उत्पाद

शाखा पता:
309, तीसरी मंजिल, सिटी प्लाजा,
स्पेस सिनेमा, बानी पार्क, जयपुर
फोन नंबर। : +0141-6599205/4046973

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