उत्पाद विवरण
- Feel the difference and feel soft.
- Extra Comfortness assured.
- Free from dangerous chemicals and hazardous plastics.
- Easy fit.
- Leaf proof.
- Super absorption.
- Provides herbal fragrance.
- Relieves stress and keeps you at good health.
- Use of herbal napkins gives cooling effect.
- Provides 24 hours complete fresh.
- Acts as an antiseptic and anti-bacterial.
स्वास्थ्य देखभाल उत्पादों अन्य उत्पाद
309, तीसरी मंजिल, सिटी प्लाजा,
स्पेस सिनेमा, बानी पार्क, जयपुर
फोन नंबर। : +0141-6599205/4046973।